Wearable contact-tracing tokens

Since the pandemic started, experts from all around the globe are working hard in the development of prevention tools for COVID. Technology has been playing a meaningful role in this fight against the coronavirus.

One of the latest tech efforts to stop the spread of the virus is the development of contact-tracing apps. This fantastic tech improvement requires only downloading an app on your smartphone, and the same app will automatically send you a warning alert if you are near someone who reported symptoms of COVID.

Based on contact-tracing apps, a group of experts in Asia developed trace-tokens. This development is for sure one of the most innovative tech efforts through the battle against the coronavirus. Trace together token was developed in Singapore, and it works just the same as the contact-tracing apps. The advantages of using the token instead of the app are that it does not require a smartphone or internet signal. This device works under near Bluetooth signals exchanged with different tokens or trace apps.

People who tested positive and do not own a smartphone must inform the government. The government will then send a warning to the ones who are, or were, near this token.

Vulnerable people will be the first to receive these tokens, and in a couple of months, the rest of the population in Singapore will be gradually be receiving one.

Singapore was the first country to implement a coronavirus-tracing app, and about 35% of the population had downloaded it. Both tools' main goal is to quarantine infected people faster, aiming to prevent the spread of the virus. For sure, more countries will start implementing this tech tool, so stay close to your country's news.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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