5 basic tips to keep your information safe

One - Use an antivirus.

It is true that a simple antivirus cannot protect us against a series of threats, it is the essential basis to protect our devices against common malware.

There are currently many free and highly reputable antivirus that help us with a periodic analysis of new and possible virus or malware attacks. Among the most common antivirus you can find are Avast, Panda, BitDefender, MalwareBytes.

Two - Encrypt confidential data.

Encryption is one of the most effective means of data security and involves converting your electronic data into encrypted text, which is only understood by authorized personnel to access this data.

The use of encryption tools ensures that your data will remain illegible and secure, even when invaded by malicious hackers.

It is important to encrypt the data that is also transferred to a storage device, in case your USB drive or device is lost or stolen. Some free data encryption tools can be BitLocker and VeraCrypt among many others.

Three - change your passwords in case of detecting a data breach.

We have heard on several occasions that large corporations have had data breaches and we think that only they can happen, something that is not true. Cyber attackers attack everyone equally, with an average of approximately 32 security breaches per second.

Some of the biggest victims of data breach have been large companies such as Target, Home Depot, Ebay, among others.

When we find a data breach within our company, the main thing we must do is, immediately change the passwords for the accounts that we are affected, in this way we will guarantee that the old access credentials are invalidity for cybercriminals.

Four - Update your operating system and software.

We almost always receive "annoying" notifications on our desktop computers, laptops, cell phones and other devices, which ask us to start with the update of the software and operating system and almost never ignore it.

Usually this may seem somewhat inconvenient when we are in the middle of a presentation or writing a document, but it is very important to do it at the right time. Although these updates may seem intrusive in our work, they are not only essential for the operation of our devices, but also contain vital security updates for our device.

We must ensure that we do not miss the opportunity to do so as soon as possible to keep the devices adequately protected.

Five - Use different and complex passwords for each account.

Many of us use the same password for all our accounts such as social networks, banks, email, etc., the problem is that we are helping ourselves to violate our personal and bank data.

Many of the hackers try to log in to different accounts using the same login information they previously obtained and in this way they can hack our Facebook accounts, online banking, PayPal, email and any other account that has the same password.

We recommend that you change your password periodically, in order to prevent hackers from entering our private information.

These are just some important points that can help you maintain the security of your data, but it should also be stressed that there are more ways to do it and not be exposed to attacks that can harm our economy, social life and that can directly affect our devices.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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