Best practices of operational efficiency in the Data Center

Today's Data Center is changing rapidly. Many companies are integrating new technological solutions for their organizations to modernize and evolve. Most of these companies pursue a direction that guarantees adequate levels of IT service delivery, cost efficiency and alignment with business objectives.

For some Data Centers, this means providing cutting-edge levels in availability, flexibility and scalability, while for others the goal may be to provide “sufficient” levels of services while minimizing new capital expenditures.

Data Centers that are operating at the highest level of efficiency allocate 50 percent more of their IT resources to new projects than those operating at the lowest level of efficiency.

There are two critical concepts that must be taken into account when evaluating the state of efficiency and alignment of the Data Center with the needs of the company.

First, there is no "magic recipe" to transition from one efficient scenario to the next.

The Data Center environment is a compilation of servers, storage, network systems, mechanical / electrical systems, applications and tools, governance procedures and personnel. The only effective means to measure the efficiency of the operations of the Data Center is to incorporate a global approach that considers multiple measures in all the elements.

Secondly, the evolution of the Data Center is a process of change, in which the destination can change as the company needs it. This infrastructure should not be considered as a recipe that should be followed blindly, but rather as a strategy book that should be applied flexibly based on the individual needs of the organization.

Not all organizations have the environments that require Data Center built to support high rates of change, and some may never require near real-time flexibility and typed availability

For those who need these capabilities, this infrastructure provides a route in order to think about a future Data Center and highlights how companies can build an infrastructure that gives priority to availability and flexibility, as well as cost control.

What makes a Strategic Data Center operated consciously.

  • Optimize the server, storage, resource assets and network.
  • It makes the changing needs of the business flexible.
  • Automate through tools, improvement in service levels and availability
  • It has a plan that fits the company's goals and keeps them updated.

Organizations with Strategic Data Centers are better prepared to take advantage of market opportunities when the economy picks up and are more likely to engage in continuous planning exercises.

The Strategic Data Centers pay special attention to their resource design and understand the need for a global vision that considers the Data Center to be a unique system. They plan to meet the business needs during the lifetime of a resource through the forecast of energy, space, capacity and availability - which leads to greater predictability and less disruption during construction changes and cons.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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