Artificial Intelligence Will Be Used During This Back to School

During the following months, thousands of schools will remain closed but many private schools around the country plan to reopen for this fall. The focus for all schools opening around the nation is how will they be preventing the spread of the coronavirus?

Schools closed their doors since the pandemic started. Now the ones that are attempting to reopen its doors, are planning to implement a new tech system to keep its students safe, Artificial Intelligence-powered thermal screening system. This system detects elevated temperatures which is a symptom of the coronavirus. This system is something like what the stores have been implementing while entering the building. The schools will follow the same procedure and have this system located at every entrance.

They are also attempting to use a computer program which measures the 6 feet ruled for social distancing. Both thermal screening systems and the measure of distance are sophisticated software that identifies people even if they wear a mask. This system has been also implemented by commercial stores, airports, and hospitals.

Wearing a mask is the new normal in our day-to-day, but it is something different that kids will need to get used to when meeting their new classmates and teachers.

Once again, tech tools do not fail in impressing us in our day to day, always making troubles easier to handle. We hope that students continue receiving proper education while they stay as safe as possible. It would be a perfect new to the educational sector if students return to schools.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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