Get in touch with Uber Eats if you Experience Issues

What is the plan for Friday/Saturday night? Maybe right now you are thinking of hanging out with your friends. Unfortunately, we are facing social distancing times, so we are not able to go out of our homes. Those weekend party nights are on hold and now we spend our weekends watching Netflix at home or spending time with family. This is amazing and relaxing but what makes our movies’ nights even better is eating pizza, fries, burgers, or any other food while watching your favorite series or movie.

Stopping a movie and going out to pick up food has become a thing from the past. It takes time and cuts from the intensity of a movie. Nowadays Uber Eats is here to the rescue! This app is very simple to use and can have food delivered straight to your door without having to take a simple step. Sometimes the magic of this app can be a bit frustrating when order experiences miscues such as missing items, wrong order, or the order taking longer than expected. If these problems occur frequently, sometimes it’s just best to avoid using and going in person to pick up food.

If you decide to move forward you can continue ordering food from your favorite restaurants, and if things go wrong, you are always able to get in contact with Uber Eats and they will help you to solve those issues.

To get in contact with Uber Eats:

  1. Use the app’s Help Center
  2. Send an email to
  3. Call 800-253-6882
  4. Tweet them at @UberEats

This will help you if the issue that you are experiencing is a general one. In twitter, you can also look for general support info. The customer support team is very attentive and can solve most problems instantly. The Uber Eats app is highly recommended especially when having a night in.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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