Bestseller: Electronic and Technology Items

Online shopping is about to start collapsing. The reason why is because people are still quarantined, and shopping online is almost inevitable while being home not doing much.

People are not able to go out to the mall and shop as they did before the pandemic. The servers are really crowded because shopping online has become one of the most popular actions that users enjoy as a hobby and for necessity.

What are the best seller items?

According to recent studies, many stores had been assuming that the most searched and sold categories are food, but that is not the case. The first and second most purchased items online during quarantine are the electronic and technology items. This could be because as we already mentioned, the entire society continues quarantined. People continue with online classes and working from home, so purchasing the newest and most efficient tech items is a “must”. The next category would be food. In order to avoid exposure to COVID, a lot of grocery stores have spiked their attention to delivering groceries to a user’s door.

We are going through a hard situation, but it is at the same chaos when we realize that we own many tools that could be making our lives easier. Online stores have collapsed, full of orders, and many products are sold out. Even at these tough times, we recur to technology for our essentials.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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