Big steps in coronavirus vaccines development

About 6 months ago, the entire world stopped because of the coronavirus outbreak. Quarantine came for almost everyone. First, it was supposed to be for maximum 2 months, but unfortunately, as time passed, the virus had been spreading faster among society. Due to the fast spread of the COVID-19, the medical sector has been extremely saturated even if the patients were not infected by the coronavirus. The hospitals were crowded at the point that they did not even have rooms or medicine to treat patients with a different health disease.

In addition to the saturation of the medical sector, business, in general, was really affected at the point that many of them had been permanently closing their doors. It is terrible to see that even when companies had been making their best effort to continue in the game, the pandemic had forced them to close without option. The economy was also really affected. It was only during the present month when it has started to reactivate a little bit.

Once again, thanks to technology, the researchers have been advancing in this battle against coronavirus. Several labs have been making tests to develop a new vaccine. There are more than 160 different coronavirus vaccines in development all around the world. From these 160 vaccines, 25 are already being tested in humans presenting positive results. There are 4 of these vaccines that have made big steps in the development and testing process.

It is expected that the vaccine will be launched by the end of the present year. There are still a few months, but it would be great to have a solution to this virus soon. Having a vaccine that finally ends with this traumatic situation that the pandemic has brought, would be a perfect Christmas gift for all of us.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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