Data security considerations

In general, data security refers to measures of protection of digital privacy that are applied to prevent unauthorized access to data, which can be found on computers, databases, websites, etc. Data security also protects data from possible corruption.

Data security, also known as information security or computer security, is an essential aspect of IT in organizations of any size and type. This is an aspect that has to do with the protection of data against unauthorized access and to protect them from possible corruption throughout their life cycle.

Data security includes concepts such as data encryption, tokenization and key management practices that help protect data across all applications and platforms in an organization.

Cloud computing does not reduce existing network security risks.

The security risks that threaten data centers and networks currently change when applications are migrated to the cloud, whether it is a complete migration or a hybrid scenario in which some applications are transferred to the cloud and others remain available locally. In fact, in a way, the security risks that are faced when migrating to the cloud become more significant.

Taking into account the alarming frequency with which the thefts and information leaks reach the headlines, we present some key tips to keep your data safe, especially when they are hosted in the cloud or third-party services.

Rigorous access control is the first step to keep attackers away from your information.

For decades, best practices for information security have dictated that vital applications and data should be found separated in secure segments of the network. Often, this is known as "Zero Trust": never trust, always verify.

In a physical network within the enterprise data center, the Zero Trust principle is relatively simple to implement with the use of firewalls and VLANs managed by policies based on the identity of users and applications.

Analyze and identify what is the important information that should be protected. For this, it is important to understand the logic and architecture of the database, in order to easily determine where and how sensitive data is stored.

Not all the data we store is critical or should be protected, so it makes no sense to spend time and resources on this information.

Key requirements for cloud security

A homogeneous security in physical and virtualized formats.The same levels of application control, inappropriate and misconfigured management of these, and threat prevention are required to protect both the cloud computing environment and the physical network.

Segmentation of business applications through the principles of the Zero Trust method. In order to maximize the use of computing resources, at present, a relatively common practice is to combine several levels of application workload confidence in the same computing resource. The objective is to control traffic between workloads, while preventing lateral movements of threats.

Centralized management of security implementations and optimization of policy updates. In almost all companies, security systems for the physical network are still being implemented, so it is essential to be able to manage hardware and virtualized format implementations from a centralized location through the same administration interface and infrastructure.

The solution chosen must be able to expand physical and virtual environments through consistent policy management and application framework, and should include functions that automate security policy updates.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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