IT Trends for 2020 - Part 4 of 4

Continuing with our theme in the first 3 parts, we analyze the trends that await us by 2020 in IT.

Analytical to obtain competitive advantages

Data analytics is becoming a fundamental tool for fields such as business intelligence, customer experience and other areas that are promoting digital transformation.

Companies that have not invested in analytics by 2020 probably will not do so as of 2021 and will probably be bound to disappear, in favor of those who have opted to take advantage of the value contained in the data, something vital to gain competitiveness in the digital era.

It is necessary to invest in the necessary technologies to collect, store and process the huge and growing amount of useful data generated by customers and users

Old business strategies, based on instinct, are now proven ineffective against the power of today's sophisticated analytical tools. These allow you to easily identify trends and possible problems, allowing you to act with more agility to take advantage of opportunities.

Old business strategies, based on instinct, are now proven ineffective against the power of today's sophisticated analytical tools. These allow you to easily identify trends and possible problems, allowing you to act with more agility to take advantage of opportunities.

Blockchain will finally leave the scope of cryptocurrencies

In the next few years there will be a significant expansion to other types of electronic transactions and communications, since their security advantages attract new sectors.

Looking ahead to 2019, most of the technological initiatives linked to blockchain will fail, or at least that's what experts in the field think. But as of 2020, this could change, leading to a new generation of use cases for this technology, which would eventually leave the scope of cryptocurrencies to expand in sectors such as finance or public administrations.

Companies like Amazon are investing in democratizing the use of blockchain through subscription models, and many leading technology companies are looking forward to the possibilities that this technology could offer them. For example, Samsung, IBM, Microsoft or Alibaba, which are exploring possible use cases both beyond payments and cryptocurrencies.

RPA solutions

Robotic process automation (RPA) is evolving thanks to new technologies, and for many it is the most popular branch of artificial intelligence.

Its evolution is allowing organizations new levels of task automation, streamlining increasingly complex processes and saving higher costs. Therefore, experts believe that 2020 will be a good year for the RPA solutions market, both in terms of sales growth and the evolution of the most important suppliers.

One of the development pathways that is gaining strength is the use of RPA not to replace jobs, but to complement workers to increase the value of the workforce.

The main objective of RPA is that the loss of jobs is minimal, and that robotic process automation serves to enhance the capabilities of the remaining workers.

Conversational AI will become a solid interface

Experts say that from 2020 you can see truly useful conversational interfaces based on AI.

Highlighting advances in projects such as Microsoft Conversational AI, which aim to create platforms with much more precise voice recognition, and above all that allows for complex conversations, in which the machine is able to understand emotional nuances that create a basic context for communication of the humans.

In addition, in the field of hardware, progress is being made gradually in the creation of specific chips and SOCs for smart devices used as an interface for virtual assistants, but the progress of these technologies will continue discreetly, laying the foundations for disruptive products. They will arrive in a few years.

With this we conclude our IT Trends for 2020 Theme, we hope that this series of information has been to your liking and that it helps you to be prepared for next year to live up to the situations and changes that will arise in IT business.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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