Do you know what are the most difficult materials to recycle?

There are a number of materials that cannot be recycled and there are some that make the process more difficult and expensive. Recycling is one of the ways in which we can help the environment, minimizing polluting waste, but there are certain items that cannot be recycled, since most of these wastes are hazardous materials and there is no adequate technology to dispose of them.

Thanks to the recycling process, the discarded materials are reintroduced into their production cycle, thus reducing the consumption of raw materials, decreasing the total volume of waste and can even create jobs for thousands of people.

Know in this post, some of the most difficult materials to recycle


The recycling of concrete allows the reuse of debris, also reducing construction costs, but to be able to do this process a special crusher is needed, which works from pure cement waste, without contaminants, that is, that cement Does not contain waste of wood, plastics, paper or other construction materials.


The recycling of plaster in the construction is feasible, but it is a material that if removed incorrectly can emit hydrogen sulfide, flammable and highly toxic, which pollutes the soil and groundwater.


Hardwoods can last hundreds of years, if used easily and they can be reused in various sectors of the industry such as for the manufacture of lists of other artifacts, pallets, various or inclusive supports in pieces for structures and sculptures.


When it is recycled, electricity consumption is 80% lower for the production of the new part, causing a lower environmental impact and avoiding the extraction of new raw materials. It is estimated that currently recycled scrap represents more than 40% of the world's steel needs, produced in electric furnaces.

Coffee capsules

Because they cannot be separated from the product they contain, coffee capsules cannot be considered as a container and included in the yellow container. Although brands are developing methods to minimize the impact of these wastes, this increasingly used product becomes one of the most difficult containers to recycle.

Diapers, tampons and sanitary pads

Each baby uses approximately up to 6,000 diapers in its first two years of life, according to the OCU, in addition to its massive use, the composition of these products makes them very polluting, while difficult to recycle. If you want to reduce the impact they have, you can eliminate the use of wet wipes, replace disposable diapers with cloth or biodegradable ones, and replace female sanitary pads and towels with the reusable menstrual cup.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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