What is the disposal of IT assets (ITAD)?

In the 1980s, computers really began to have an impact and in the next 15-20 years that followed, they grew to become a standard household item. However, it was not until the end of the 1990s that companies and consumers began to consider what happened with this equipment after its useful life. As demand and awareness increased, several IT asset disposal services (ITAD) emerged that could restore and resell items, or collect and separate outdated equipment worth scrap.

Today the life cycle management of these devices has come a long way.

However, this term ITAD has generated confusion since many have not fully understood the definition.

In summary, the term is defined as the business of safe and responsible management of retired electronic equipment. In general, these services will include the following:

  • Asset tracking: accounting of each device as it progresses through the disposal process.
  • Legal compliance: ensure compliance to dispose of the equipment legally and safely.
  • Software collection: removal of software and licenses of devices removed for use in work equipment.
  • Destruction of data: elimination of all data by cleaning, purging or destroying storage media.
  • Reconditioning / resale: resell equipment, extending the life of each device.
  • Responsible recycling: crushing of non-resale electronic products, in an audited and certified facility, to produce raw materials that can then be used to manufacture new products.

There are a lot of benefits to working with a strong ITAD provider and, although some offer credible services, very few can cover all desired services without using partners or outsource to a separate entity. Working with the right professional can help you ensure that you maximize the value of each device and, at the same time, minimize its environmental impact.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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