Environmental technology

Environmental technology, green technology or clean technology is one that is used without damaging the environment, the application of environmental science to conserve the natural environment and resources, and curb the negative impacts of human involvement.

On our planet there is a lot of pollution and the saddest thing is that one of the main causes of this is technology, which is progressing day by day making our lives easier but ruining our planet.

Technology is a major cause of environmental damage since this although it seems that it does not do much damage to the environment really does more damage than we think.

As electronic devices take a long time to disintegrate, they generate excessive soil contamination and if they will be disposed of in aquifer sources, they significantly affect the marine ecosystem.

The need to take care of the environment, and seek more sustainable formulas to interact with the environment, was revealed at the COP21 conference on climate change in December 2015, where the importance of fighting global warming was shown; Technology and the circular economy would be key to achieving it.

Technology applied in agriculture is the first great example. The development of improved crops, driven in recent decades with sufficient scientific evidence to support its usefulness and safety, shows how biotechnology can provide crops resistant to climate change.

Among the technologies to save the environment, electric cars or “green cars” or hybrids, which consume less to travel the same distance and on the other hand Biofuels, an alternative to traditional fuels that are generated from starting a special role of the biomass of living organisms or of their metabolic wastes and which greatly help to eliminate the emissions of gasoline and reduce the consumption of oil and fossil fuels.

There is also today the Bioremediation that uses microorganisms, bacteria or fungi to decontaminate wastewater from cities and to clean environments contaminated with oil such as the sinking of EXXON-VALDEZ or PRESTIGE.

Biomaterials are also used to “store” carbon dioxide, they can be used to reduce the greenhouse effect and global warming. Others, such as banana sheets manufactured in Mexico for construction, give the possibility of eliminating toxic compounds such as asbestos, related to an increase in the incidence of cancer.

And what do these biotechnologies do for us? They reduce the impact of global warming, helping to adapt to climate change, cleaning up contaminated areas or taking care of our own health.

One of the most basic and simple ways to collaborate with the environment and join the use of biotechnologies, is changing your lights, for some savers so do not waste your time and do it!

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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