What is the destruction of documents for?

The destruction of documents is a key element for the responsible operation of any company since these documents contain sensitive data of customers, employees, important transactions, account numbers, voided checks, etc.

In each office or section of a company, key documents are stored, which after the time of their use become useless and need to be destroyed.

Around the world, various companies or individuals offer the service of destruction of documents and devices where all this information is stored.

Destruction of data

Some companies prefer to buy a document destruction machine and perform this task in their own company. Although it is an advantage, sometimes this is counterproductive since they must allocate hours of their employees to do this work.

Given this reality, many companies are dedicated to providing the document destruction service, either at the contractor's premises or in their own facilities. GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC offers and certifies the safe transport of documents and assets of IT and allows the moment they are destroyed to be witnessed, granting destruction certificates for each asset.

What must be destroyed?

There is multiple information that each company handles and therefore, there are many documents that need to be disposed of.

Professionals in the field of secure destruction of documents and IT assets recommend that the following documents be destroyed:

  • Customer Listings
  • Personnel / Human Resources Records
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Offers / Contests
  • Inventory Listings
  • Tariffs
  • Incorrect invoices
  • R&D reports
  • Budgets
  • Marketing Plans
  • Accounting information
  • Checks canceled
  • Account and Credit Card Numbers
  • Customer Credit Information
  • Contracts
  • Tax Records / Declarations
  • Social Security Records
  • Medical reports
  • Job applications
  • Payroll
  • Firms
  • Mail
  • Medical records

The competitive environment of the companies can be easily harmed by any journalist or competitor who finds the information and makes it public. If this information is not protected in a safe way, the damage can be irreparable for the companies.

This is why the data destruction service becomes a key point for all those who want to maintain the security of the data privacy of their customers and employees.

What benefits us from hiring a secure data destruction company like GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC?

  • Control sensitive data
  • Centralize and unify the management of secure destruction.
  • Compliance with the legal Data Protection regulations.
  • Comply with the required controls of the ISO27001 information security standard.
  • Ensures the integrity of company data.
  • Protect business continuity.
  • Avoid industrial espionage.
  • Avoid failure in Information Security.
  • Preserve the confidentiality of customers and employees of companies.
  • Ensures that the reputation of the company is not harmed.
  • Eliminate unnecessary storage within the company.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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