GreenTek Home Solutions

During this pandemic, it is more important than ever to find sustainable alternatives to the products we consume. This is super easy, and we can start by avoiding single-use plastics, saving electricity, and recycling. While talking about recycling we can realize that there is an important area where we might focus on and it is “technology”.

We have not been kind to our environment in the past, and evidence of this is the 8million metric tons of plastic which are polluting our oceans.

Technology has been significantly helping us and the environment by moving much stuff from physical to digital, such as books, music, films, and official documents, which use fewer natural resources to produce and store them. Many tech products we consume are problematic, but the same technology brings us many options that are more kind to the environment. You can limit your impact without giving up on our digital lifestyle. Here are some products to help:

1. Solar panels

Solar energy is a natural renewable energy source. This leads panels to be one of the most eco-friendly products on the market. They are usually placed on the top of your roof, and they have the potential to power your house, offsetting your energy bills completely. Often, solar panels include a solar battery, which enables us to collect an extra portion of energy during the sunnier days. This energy could be used on days where the panels are not able to get charged.

2. Dual flush toilet

One of the most wasteful products in your house may be your toilet, and you cannot control how many times you will want to use it. Regular toilet usage could be wasting gallons of water every year and this is expensive to afford. Not to mention you are overusing natural resources. A dual flush toilet allows you to choose how much water to use to flush just by pressing a button.

3. Smart power strips

Hairdryers, lamps, TVs, and phone chargers are always consuming energy, even when they are turned off. The smart power strip will help you with these devices by staying in standby mode. How does it work? It ceases all steady flow to your devices, but once you are ready to use them again, they turn on just like usual.

4. Programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats allow you to set times for your house to heat or cool itself based on when you will be there to enjoy it. By using this device, you are saving money.

5. LED light bulbs

LED light bulbs are more energy-efficient and brighter compared to their predecessor, the fluorescent light bulb. You would not need a lot of them to light up a room and won't need to replace them nearly as often. Also compared to fluorescent lights, they are not made with mercury, so you can be sure that they do not have toxic properties.

6. Green roof

This is the ultimate eco-friendly and sustainable technology. It is a system of soil, irrigation, and plant life that replaces your actual roof for a greener and more sustainable roof. The roof also allows you to save energy in your home and purify the air.


Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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