Tech-Based Education

Technology opens doors for new opportunities to do business or work, but thanks to the coronavirus outbreak, all the schools are temporally closed to avoid spreading the virus among the students. Almost 90% of the student population is cut off from school. While the schools remain closed some parents want their kids to continue learning, even when they are quarantined. Districts across the country are making plans to offer online instructions to students during the quarantine. (We also posted “Internet helps us during the crisis” on our blog. In this article you might find an app to your kids to continue learning while they stay at home)

The Tech world is continuously growing and innovating, but even when it is one of the most important sectors, it has a lot of inequalities, because not everyone has access to information and communication. Between the rich and the poor there are many differences in resources and the economic situation is one of the worst factors to stop innovation. The internet and other technologies such as TV can educate society on many issues such as better education, hygiene, and how to deal with disease outbreaks.

We all know that America is a country full of advantages and opportunities, but we must be conscious that there are tremendous inequalities among families. Low-income students do not have access to a computer, internet, or other technological tools.

Tech Advancements help schools give low-income students more opportunities, but it is also true that many schools do not have the opportunity to offer technology to their students because they do not have enough resources. Greentek Solutions LLC. Is always looking for a way to help our environment and society; Last year we went to Mexico to enhance computers donation to a school. See video link below.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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