How to know if a hard drive is refurbished or remanufactured

One of the things we look at when buying a hard drive is its storage capacity that can be 500 Gigas or maybe 1 Terabyte, depending on our need.

In addition to storage capacity, there are other points to take into account, because when it comes to hard drives these can be used or are about to fail and sell them as new.

In the rise of technological trade we can fall into buying devices that sell them as new but are remanufactured. This happens frequently in the hard drive trade. Then there is the need to know if a hard drive is refurbished.

Types of hard drives

Before buying a hard drive, the first thing to know is if our hard drive is rebuilt again or has been used for some time.

But how do you know if a hard drive has been used or is rebuilt?

When we buy a hard drive, it is cataloged, as a used or rebuilt disk.

Refurbished hard drives are those hard drives that have presented some failure and have been repaired. A rebuilt hard drive could mean an advantage for some, as it has been passed through a quality process 2 times. But this album can no longer be sold as new so it is sold as refurbished

Some distributors offer your money back if you are not happy with the product. If you have that option before using your hard drive first make sure it is not refurbished.

What are New Pull hard drives?

A new pull hard drive is a hard drive that has been assembled and possibly used for a considerable time. So it is not entirely new, it is new in the sense that no user has used it but it has been in operation, for example on display.

In other cases a new pull hard disk has not been used but has been assembled and replaced by a larger capacity disk. The mishandling is not ruled out when replacing it.

If you have bought a hard drive that has been sold to you as new, you should make sure that it is really new. There are some methods that will help us make sure that the record they sold us is brand new.

One of these methods is to see how many hours of use the hard drive has and the number turned on. To see this information recorded by the hard disk, we can use a software such as Cristal Disk Info.

By simple logic if our hard disk has a very high number of hours of ignition, it is clear that our new hard disk is not so new.

But if the times it has been turned on are very few, compared to the hours of power on, it is very likely that our hard drive is a new pull and is not a completely new hard drive.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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