Measures to reduce the electrical energy consumption of our computer equipment

Did you know that global warming, desertification, extinction of species are some of the consequences of a less responsible consumption of energy resources?

The PCs like any other mobile device that we use, have become an indispensable part of our daily life, we know that they generate energy consumption for them to work.

If you take in mind that a desktop computer consumes between 120W and 300W depending on its characteristics, power source and how old it is, you will save more. On the other hand, modern equipment is more efficient and, therefore, generates less energy expenditure.

A high-performance computer uses about 250 Watts per hour, imagine a computer that is on all day, all the energy it consumes, fortunately some measures can be applied to reduce consumption, and it is never enough to comment on some tips that will serve quite for that.

How can you save electricity by using your desktop computer?

Turn off your computer, monitor and other peripherals overnight or if you are going to stop using them for a long period.

If you are not going to work with your computer for a long time, it is best to disconnect it. You will save energy and, during the month, a considerable saving of light, which will be reflected in your bill.

The sleep or hibernation mode is recommended for the moments of inactivity of your equipment. Use the energy management settings for this.

Using the sleep mode (which is next to the option to turn off the equipment) will help to leave your windows open while you are not using the equipment and when you return and turn it on you will not lose your windows and you will be able to continue where you stayed.

It is also a good option to program your computer in “sleep mode” if it is inactive for 10 minutes. Most keyboards bring this option included. Press the button and when you want to "wake it up" press the same button again.

Do not use screen protectors. They do not save energy and prevent the CPU from shutting down.

Manage the use of your monitor. A monitor on is synonymous with high energy expenditure, especially with old monitors.

Use flat screen monitors, which save electricity and less affect your eyes.

If you are going to buy a new computer, check that it is Energy Star Compliant, which is a standard for energy efficient use.

These are some simple tips that will help you save some energy and thus save some money by giving your computer equipment a longer life.

If you follow these simple tips, you will be contributing to the protection of biodiversity, ecosystems and nature. Objectives with which we are firmly committed and convinced that, together, we can achieve them.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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