How to protect my IoT devices from cyber attacks

Any device connected to the Internet can be a security problem if we do not take appropriate measures. This especially must be applied to those computers that are targeted by hackers.

The fact that more and more IoT devices are connected to the Internet in our homes makes hackers put their sights here.

This causes new attacks to arise that may compromise other teams. In fact, according to the latest available data, malware that affects IoT devices has increased by almost 40% in the last quarter of the year.

How to improve the security of IoT devices?

It is important that we always pay attention to the safety of our equipment. Any device connected to the network can be a problem for our privacy. Now, there are certain systems and devices that may be more susceptible to attacks. It is what happens with what we know as the Internet of Things and all its derivatives.

We leave you a list of what you can do to improve security on your IoT device

Always keep the equipment updated

Something basic to maintain security on our IoT devices is to have them updated correctly. On many occasions vulnerabilities may arise that are exploited by cybercriminals to deploy their attacks. It is important that we have the latest updates and patches available.

Install official software

Our devices can accept additional accessories and equipment that give us added value. For that reason it is very important that we always go to official sites and stores and download the programs from there. We need to avoid third party links that can lead to security problems.

Change factory settings

Something that is highly recommended to do is change the factory settings. With this we refer to the name of the device, as well as any information that may be generic and used by hackers to deploy their attacks. It is convenient to change these values and not leave those that come when you buy the device.

The configuration

The configuration may allow us to change certain security and privacy settings. We must be careful with this and not enable beyond what is really necessary if we do not want to have problems that put our data at risk.

Use strong passwords

A very good password must contain letters (upper and lower case), numbers and other special symbols. In this way we will create a key that is totally strong and cannot be ascertained. It is recommended that it be unique and totally random.

Protect our network

Our network must be protected correctly. We are talking about devices that connect to our network and we must protect it. You have to use good encryption and avoid obsolete ones such as WEP encryption. In the same way it is important that the password is strong.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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