Increase cybercrime on mobile devices

A cybersecurity specialist said there are four different types of cyber attacks.

In view of the increase in mobile devices that connect to the Internet, the threat of cyber attacks is growing, so it is important to have a security strategy to be protected from cybercrime.

It is estimated that by 2021 there will be more people with mobile devices than with bank accounts, this represents millions of new Internet connections, which will increase the risk of cyber attacks "we are all vulnerable".

The importance that people who run a business know that information has a much greater value than money or a fixed asset is essential to implement important security systems on all their devices.

Being aware of the risk of not being careful in the handling of personal data through the Internet can generate a business strike through a cyber attack, so it is important that people have clarity of this problem and that small and medium companies have cyber insurance.

People should have training on cybersecurity, password management, cloud applications to prevent leaks and thereby give way to a cyber attack.

There are currently four types of attacks: Pishing, which aims to extract personal information, and advanced malware, which focus on businesses.

Also, ransomware, which is an attack in which information is hijacked in exchange for a payment in cryptocurrencies, as well as internal attacks.

In each of these attacks, there has been a growth, and these four types of attacks put companies at risk, hence the acquisition of cybersecurity policies is recommended to cover losses in a cyber attack.

These types of policies provide support for the handling of incidents, regardless of the problem.

Similarly, an accompaniment on the issue of services to help you identify the type of attack you had, and thereby control and mitigate it to pay for any type of expense generated by the attack.

We recommend that as a company you look for a broker that can advise you to take out insurance of this type and be confident that in case of some unforeseen event you can react appropriately.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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