How WhatsApp can be a good business?

Artificial Intelligence and the creation of more communication channels currently help companies to have better communication with their clients in a shorter response time.

It is estimated that 93% of Internet users use the WhatsApp to communicate, in recent years this application has become the main way to communicate with family, friends and companies, so the vast majority of various companies, large and Small, have started using this application to communicate with their customers and raise their level of connection with them through chatbots.

That is why we currently have 2 formats of this application: WhatsApp Business useful for SMEs and WhatsApp Api for slightly larger companies where someone who manages the service is needed.

It is assured that in recent years the change has been seen in the digital market, for two reasons: the creation of more messaging channels that connect companies with their customers and the use of Artificial Intelligence to respond to them.

“When the user receives a message there is a higher percentage of response and so you can start a more direct conversation with the company”

The approach with customers via direct message increases the sales and sales achieved with interactions with chatbots are more easily duplicated.

A study by LivePerson, an artificial intelligence firm that generates conversational bots, ensures that 38% of consumers prefer the use of chatbots to other types of customer service tools.

Another key point in customer service through direct messaging is the possible immediate feedback of products or services offered by companies, which improve the logistics of companies.

Currently there are more than 5 million companies worldwide that use WhatsApp Business to create that connection with their potential customers with the aim of having better and higher sales, according to data from 99firms.

Companies that use the service through API have to pay the service monthly or annually depending generally on the number of messages the account receives and the number of customers.

One of the most important advantages of using this App is that, through it, 70% of customer service cases are resolved immediately, not as when we used the phone that had to wait up to 15 minutes for an answer.

Companies should know that customers today require an immediate response to their communication needs.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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