IT trends by 2020

The CEO’s of the IT departments each day take a more relevant role within the companies, since the management and operation of the networks, involves millionaire businesses and important alliances between the cloud and the business.

IT departments have become one of the most important for companies, as the management of the assets that this area has is, in many cases, the support of all their information, so knowing what to expect in the coming years is Relevance for the General Managers of the companies.

There are several trends today that will have a more tangible impact this 2020 having knowledge of them can help capitalize companies and these are some of these trends.

Senior engineers in humanities.

More than 75% of the leaders in infrastructure and operations do not have the skills for the management and operation of servers and need 2 to 3 years to fully train and it is something that can become a delay in the adaptation of new technologies and tools such as Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence.

The profile of the operators has changed drastically now it has more relevance aspects such as diversity, creativity and versatility plus the plus of the skills in technical knowledge that these network managers have.

It is no use having the best software or the integration of better technologies, if those in charge of your management do not have the human skills to know how to read and program your company's systems.

No more physical servers.

Companies today can choose between having a virtual information container managed by a third party or managing it internally, however the application of each in certain sectors of the companies is essential for the development of the business.

By 2020 the percentage of companies that have implemented computer technologies without servers will have increased by at least 5% than at present, but this is something that cannot be used in banking applications, where users interact more fluently.

Hybrid cloud and hyperconvergence.

It is estimated that by 2025 80% of companies have completely migrated their data centers to cloud hosting.

That is why it is convenient to have a very good hybrid cloud with more open environments, where modifications to the information can be made more easily and quickly.

Managing the data in a single site and bringing the information closer to the developers in a more accessible way creates a more efficient production, currently staying closed is maintaining a more complicated operation and this delays the changes that the developers could make to provide solutions to Companies and users.

The services that can be maintained in the cloud reduce operating costs dramatically and can have more creativity in the development of the applications that each company needs.

A Global Infrastructure

Organizations should prepare for the notion of infrastructure present everywhere, since information management and the use of AI technologies are the trends that are pushing companies to adopt this global nature to interact with a wide variety of partners and be stronger in their networks, knowing what happens on the other side of the world.

The merger of companies with this globalization of technology has driven a great boom in collaboration in different sectors, such as the recent Google case that Looker has acquired, you can see our post Google’s bid for $ 2.6 billion for the cloud.

Now that you know what is coming for next year, it is time to update your company and join this technological career so as not to be left behind.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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