In Sweden an amazing 99% of garbage is recycled

Recycling is one of the ways to contribute to our environment and it seems that Sweden is the country that recycles the most with 99% of the recycling of its own garbage.

According to its definition, recycling is a process whose objective is to convert waste into new products or raw material for later use.

It is currently one of the ways to help the environment and the ecosystem in which we live and it is that doing this activity can reduce the production of more products that pollute ecosystems, it is for this reason that in Sweden they have an amazing recycling process You can reduce up to 99% of your trash.

This country uses a hierarchical system in waste management, which mainly focuses on prevention, reuse, recycling, alternatives to recycling, and as a last resort, landfill disposal.

Their recycling process

Less than 1% of domestic waste in this country ends up in landfills thanks to its system called "waste to energy" (WTE) that transforms waste into energy for the country.

Its system mainly consists of separating the waste according to its classification.

Blue bag for plastics, green for food waste, white with other types of waste.

An optical reader separates the bags by color and allocates the blue ones for recycling plants to take advantage of the material, the green ones are used to obtain fertilizers, composts and biogas that is used in buses.

And finally the white containers are sent to an incinerator of 850 ° for their disposal avoiding that the residues go directly to the ground and contaminate it.

Some interesting facts from Sweden.

  • By law there must be recycling stations in each residential area.
  • Most of the inhabitants separate all recyclable waste in their homes, deposit it in the special containers of their residential and then take it to the recycling stations.
  • People are clear that the best long-term solution for waste management is to produce less waste in the first place.
  • 250 thousand homes are supplied with electricity generated by the garbage and 20% of the homes enjoy heating from the treatment of garbage.
  • Less than 1% of the country's domestic waste was sent to landfills per year since 2011.

Sweden holds the world record for recycling and reuse in 2012 was 96%.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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