IT Trends for 2020 - Part 3 of 4

Continuing with the theme of IT trends for 2020 we present the following:


The software that most companies currently use will have a significant change and will evolve so that legacy applications will be modernized to become more flexible and scalable, all through microservices that will help more distributed and isolated development, allowing actions in specific areas without affecting the entire service.

The changes in the code made by developers allow them to be more open and adapt applications more to users.

Always Connected Personal Computer

Mobility work increasingly depends on the ability of computers to maintain a good connection to networks, wherever they are, it is for this reason that the concept of ACPC (Always Connected Personal Computer) has been developed, which aims to establish as basic standard a series of technologies that provide permanent connectivity to mobile users.

This involves incorporating LTE (or 5G) communications chips, which already exist, but also advancing certain technologies that facilitate this permanent connectivity.

One of the main problems of this is the battery consumption that limits especially in high-power portable devices such as Intel Core i7, that's why manufacturers have dedicated their efforts to design ultra low-consumption communications chips, processors and SOCs; the already existing batteries that charge quickly provide the autonomy of the new smartphones and tablets.

Although this project can be developed quickly, it should be borne in mind that the price range of these equipment will also be an important barrier to mass adoption in companies.

The data ethics

Users now have the power to decide what type of information they share on the internet and it is the turn of the countries to continue with the personal data protection line, verifying that their users' data is secure and will not be shared to obtain a economic benefit

The focus on information security will be vital to avoid data leaks, with negative consequences in addition to the value of companies, which must clearly establish the use they give to the information they collect and the measures they take to protect it.

The deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in companies

It is predicted that by the end of 2019 corporations will have more confidence in this predictive technology, moving from pilot projects to broader initiatives.

There are areas where AI is already used frequently, such as the financial sector (stock market transactions) or the industrial sector (machinery breakage forecast). Automation will continue to be extended in areas such as logistics chains or human resources, as well as in legal departments. Many of these AI services will be offered as SaaS, giving SMEs the possibility to also take advantage of their advantages.

AI and machine learning to boost the analytics

All current advances in data analytics are based on the improved capabilities provided by artificial intelligence and machine learning. These two technologies, mainly, are responsible for taking analytics to the next level, providing three main values, speed, scale and convenience.

Speed and scale refer to the ability of AI and ML to automate the analysis of large data sets, making it no longer necessary to assign entire groups of analysts to these jobs where it is possible to greatly reduce the time needed to analyze the information, reducing to a mere fraction the time invested in tasks that could last up to several years.

The evolution of these analytical tools is developing at tremendous speed, and it is expected that in the coming years it will accelerate further, resulting in a whole new generation of capabilities for analytical software enhanced with artificial intelligence and machine learning.

We recommend you read IT Trends for 2020 - Part 4 of 4

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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