Internal, external and perimeter information security

In this post we will talk mainly about the cybersecurity that your company must have

Cybersecurity in a company is divided into three parts:

  • Internal security, which establishes security measures at the local level within the same network to protect the systems against a local attacker and even against the actions, voluntary or involuntary, of the users.

  • External security, which integrates defensive elements to all the computer systems of the company to protect them from external threats, coming from the Internet.

  • Perimeter security is defined as electronic elements and devices for the physical protection of systems.

Internal security is in charge of protecting all the systems of the company in the local network. It seems to be the least important security and the simplest, but it is not like that.
Most of the attacks that compromise the data of a company are internal, that is why we must take certain security measures such as:

  • Antivirus

  • User accounts with restricted access

  • Privileges in operating systems

  • Use of identification cards

  • MDM policies

  • Among others...

These and many more measures can be easily adopted to the systems of our company.

External security is currently one of the fundamental points in the company. The criminals who try to attack our facilities resort to cyber threats such as search and exploitation of vulnerabilities, denial of service attacks, viruses, hakeos, etc.

Depending on the degree of involvement of the company in computer security, hackers are often frustrated by the company's external security: routers with DDoS protection, real-time packet analysis, intrusion detection in the network through advanced firewall, analysis of all the data that comes and goes through the network through antivirus.

Perimeter security prevents access to physical systems (servers, computers, routers) of the company and is the most visible type of security that exists. For example, a security camera, a retina scanner to access a room and a security guard, are integral to the perimeter security of a company.

We recommend you read: What exactly does security contribute to my company?

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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