RANSOMWARE, what is it?

The Ransomware seems harmless, but it can leave your entire network unusable and have to pay to recover it. The Ransomware are computer viruses that encrypt the data of the infected computer and other equipment connected in the same LAN network.

They require the victim to make a payment to re-enable access to the computer and data.

These types of threats usually enter an attached file in an Email or downloaded from a Web page and can have the appearance of a legitimate document such as a program or game, a PDF, Excel or Word document.

Threats come through emails, links on Web pages, downloads of innocent-looking documents, etc.

In most cases, when your device is already infected and the malware is running, you must validate the type of virus and look for the decryption key. Therefore, having backup copies of your most precious files will make your concern decrease.

The types of Ransomware that you can find on your computer are:

Encryption Ransomware

It encrypts the files stored on computers (documents, spreadsheets, images and videos) and even on network drives.

You will only discover the infection when you want to access one of these files and discover that it is infected.

You can get a text file with the instructions to make the payment in the same folder as the new inaccessible files and some can show you a blocking screen.

Master Boot Record (MBR) Ransomware

The MBR is the first sector on a hard disk that allows loading and running the operating system of the PC. This ransomware changes the MBR of the PC interrupting the start of the system and a screen appears ordering the payment for its rescue, as well as encrypting files with a certain extension.

Lock Screen Ransomware - WinLocker

The computer screen is blocked, requesting the rescue to access, but one of the advantages is that it does not encrypt any personal file.

Ransomware for web server encryption

They look for vulnerabilities in the content management systems and infect encrypting the files of the servers and therefore the web services.

If we do not have measures, it can spread to other connection points or servers.

Mobile device Ransomware

We have to start to realize that smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices are not immune to cyber attacks. We have in our hands very powerful computers in miniature and with a significant amount of data in them.

The Attack in these mobile devices is also very damaging as it hijacks the victim's private information

The devices can be infected by downloads or unofficial applications.

But although for now, the malware only encrypts certain parts of the device, we have to be careful, since cybercriminals are already working on variants capable of blocking the entire device, including the SD card.

The way to overcome threats in time, is with prevention

Having a RANSOMWARE means:

  • Kidnapping of your data with the loss of the same if the ransom is not paid (often even if it is paid)
  • Stoppage of company operations
  • Great economic damage
  • Damage to the reputation of your business

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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