Keep the style thanks to tech

As we always say, technology is almost everywhere to make our lives easier.

Technology has been implemented in the business sector during recent years. Despite technology being an essential tool, not all the people have the same possibilities to interact with tech. We have the example of Chittapur, Berlin. Women living here, in majority are seamstresses’ employees who had been spending many hours of their days in cutting a blouse pattern, embroidering the sleeves, and then stitching the seams together all of this process is made by hand. Could you imagine doing the entire spring clothes collection by hand?

Today we will focus on the case of Halima. She is one of the 20 employees who work for Jyoti-Fair Works, a German fashion store. Her day at work begins at 10 a.m. which is the time when the children arrive at school and close at 5p.m. when the kids need to go back home. She also has a break to have lunch or just to take a walk. Thanks to many non-government organizations, full-time workers have many benefits such as education, healthcare, professional training, and laving wages. While India continues in a nationwide lockdown, many seamstresses are on hold. In the case of Jyoti-Fair, thanks to technology and innovation, their employees have been placing sewing machines and embroidery tools in their homes. “We have decided to use this time to introduce a new line of patchwork blankets, products which are usually too time-consuming to make during regular production schedules,” says Carolin, one of the founders of Joyti in 2014. Jyoti has been growing during the last years, they had provided seminars to their workers to make bags, bowties, jewelry, and other accessories. Jyoti also has been entering the digital business while selling its products on the internet. Due to the demand increasing, the company has started using a blockchain software by retracted a participant in the Oracle for the startup's program. Retraced’ s application helps companies like Jyoti to map its supply chain data at the time that it also includes certified details about their company. The same application leads the company to update order, delivery, and production schedules and then create print, and affix QR codes to both physical and digital garment tags.

Company’s website enables clients to scan the QR code on their phones, “and see instantly that the cotton was grown organically by a local farmer, processed without hazardous chemicals at a nearby textile factory, dyed using environmentally friendly plant-based extracts, and then woven into biodegradable fabrics, which are then cut, sewn, and embellished by a fair trade artisan,” says Tai Ford.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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