Methods for the classification of IT assets

Keep an inventory of IT assets.

For any company it is essential to have a specific space to safeguard, store, contain, access and dispose of products, goods or services in a fast, efficient and safe way.

That is why it is necessary to have good control of your assets, in order to distribute and store them in that space. Therefore there is inventory and basic storage models.

All of them extend and find their equal in the virtual space; site where IT asset control tools help you see and locate your IT resources.

Inventories and basic IT asset storage models

Inventories are those resources (goods; services; finished products; parts; consumables; furniture; software; licenses; etc.) stored to dispose of them in the present or future. They represent a large part of the investment of any company and therefore, it is essential to keep up to date with all the information related to its use; state and mobility

In addition, inventories help to discriminate processes, to classify types of merchandise; products and / or services; and allows the correct flow of operations and transactions. The information obtained from these processes and stages allows us to determine the correct time to replenish and dispose of the stock.

The storage models are divided into 2 classes, there is the chaotic model and the organized model.

Chaotic model

The chaotic model of organization and storage is characterized by the occupation of spaces based on availability. It is recognized by the lack of logical storage order; However, this lack of logical order brings advantages such as the optimization of spaces; and the quick access to the product or service that is needed.

A virtual example of the chaotic storage model occurs on our own PCs: We tend to save the last files we work with on the Desktop or in the download folder, even though the logical thing would be to give it a more permanent and organized destination within the many compartments that we have or can create.

This same example extends to IT assets in every company; especially at the beginning of operations.

Organized model

This model is totally opposite to the previous one and is mainly characterized by the creation and pre-assignment of the storage space by affinity or reference for the logical distribution of the assets.

This model facilitates the management of any type of warehouse and inventory; and allows immediate visibility of the asset on demand. This model offers a correct flow of products or materials; It helps to reduce costs and optimize internal and external customer service.

However, adopting this model is complicated as the company spends more time initiating its IT asset control.

Any model can be managed with IT asset control tools, to help us visualize what is needed at the time we need it.

It is time to start these tools in your company if you have not yet considered them, since your productivity and distribution will be more effective and therefore your profits will increase more quickly.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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