The destruction of personal data

According to the Personal Data Protection Laws, personal data is any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons.

These are personal data, for example: user names, names and surnames, postal addresses, telephone numbers, ID, training, profession, social security numbers, emails, electronic signatures, tests, diagnoses and medical treatments, sports performance, age , race, political affiliation, bank accounts, purchases, subscriptions, visits to web pages, IP addresses, use of contracted services, photos, audio recordings or videos of security cameras, etc.

Personal information is also the "Personally Identifiable Information" as interests, tastes, geo-location, DNA or biometric information, that is, any information that can be used to find out the identity, locate or contact a person or an individual through the context .

Regarding the destruction of information, the Personal Data Protection Laws dictates that whenever any document or support containing personal data is to be disposed of, it must be destroyed or erased, through the adoption of measures aimed at preventing access to the information contained in it or its subsequent recovery.

It should also proceed with the destruction of all copies or reproductions discarded to prevent access to the information contained therein or their subsequent recovery.

Certified destruction

When companies buy and deploy new technologies, they often face the problem of disposing of obsolete computer equipment. This can be a problem for companies because they cannot simply deliver their old equipment to third companies, due to the risk of data security, confidentiality and respect for the environment.

A certified destruction is very useful to us in the event that we are bound by a contract or agreement with another company.

There are companies such as GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, which perform the services of certified secure data destruction, complying with all international security standards.

For the removal of your obsolete computer assets such as servers, hard drives, storage equipment and other data center system GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, it is certified for the Secure Destruction of Data because it follows the international standards of Information Security in accordance with the NSA determinations.

The data is erased logically and magnetically, in addition to providing unrecoverable physical destruction services and following EPA environmental regulations for the disposal of waste resulting from the destruction of its storage media.

A digital data destruction report is the only proof that the certificate was not modified and that the information there is 100% accurate, thanks to the certificates granted by GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, your company is aware that the appropriate protocol is followed, So the privacy and reputation of your company are fully protected.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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