New emojis on WhatsApp

Communication channels have been changing through the pass of the years. I still remember when we used to talk with our friends by email or home phone. An important part of our lives remained in an old address notebook where we wrote our friends' emails, phone numbers, and other important information. Now it seems like this is just old school stuff even though the older generations are still relying on this method.

Years ago, Facebook took an important part in the role of communications. It is easier to maintain a conversation on messenger than do it by mail, but also, WhatsApp appeared just like magic. Many users prefer to use WhatsApp to maintain communication with their family and friends. WhatsApp is used in the United States, but it seems to be way more popular worldwide.

WhatsApp offers its users many functions for free: you can text, call, or video call your contacts without any additional charge. I think that one of the best parts of using this app is sharing stickers with friends. Stickers take me to the time when I was a kid and boys used to collect Pokémon’s cards, it is like the same concept but with stickers. The stickers are just pictures that are cut out and used as replacement for emojis.

Not only stickers, but emojis are also frequently used while sending texts; but, what about new emojis?

Emojis helps users to express their feelings and make the conversation more dynamic and engaging. Fortunately, WhatsApp is currently testing 138 new emojis that will be incorporated soon in version Also, a new feature will be launched in this version. Finally, we will have the option of “Mute Always”, for users who permanently want to turn off the notifications from groups. Both are expected to be launched soon, and it is supposed to appear first on android devices followed by iPhone devices.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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