Reopening Movie Theatres

How long has it been since you were in a movie theater? The last months have been devasting for cinemas because they were forced to close their doors as a measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Recently, many states have been announcing the re-opening of movie theaters. Even though when we all have missed cinemas, people are still afraid of visiting crowded places.

Even the big theater’s chains are still suffering the struggles of the pandemic because as we already mentioned, people are afraid of going outside of their homes. Also, many movie studios reduced their tickets' prices to attract customers, but it did not work as expected.

For the Hollywood industry, this issue is a huge mess. In contrast, this pandemic has been a huge steppingstone for streaming platforms. All streaming platforms have had an important growth. During the time that cinema’s industry was locked down, users were enjoying movies from streaming platforms. Amazon and Netflix were the two giants that registered more visits during this pandemic. This is something amazing to the streaming companies but not for Hollywood stars and directors. Even in the movie industry more directors and actors are starting to lean on their services to movies or series part of Netflix/Amazon.

Talking about Netflix or Amazon's original movies or series, they are good. Sometimes it is more comfortable to stay at home and watch movies, but this depends on a huge way from the user’s preferences. I am pretty sure that we all enjoy the experience of going to the movie theater and buying popcorns and candies.

It is weird to see how at the beginning of the pandemic we all had missed the cinemas but when the months passed, we adapted to this new reality and at some point, preferring the experience of watch movies on streaming platforms. So, is this the end of Hollywood? Only time will tell.

Melannie Cruz

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