Secure Erase Policies

Every company must have a policy of secure deletion of the information of the storage devices with which it works, containing at least the following elements:

Proper media management:

  • Track the devices that are in operation, the people or departments responsible, the information contained in them and their classification according to the degree of criticality for the business.
  • Carry out the monitoring of the devices that store the backup copies of this data.
  • Control any operation performed on a device: maintenance, repair, replacement, etc.
  • In the transfer of storage devices to facilities outside those of the company, ensure that the chain of custody of them is met, to avoid information leaks.

Documentation of the deletion operations performed:

  1. When selecting a deletion tool, choose the one that allows obtaining a document that clearly identifies that the deletion process has been carried out, detailing when and how it was performed.
  2. In the event that the logical destruction is not performed correctly due to device failure, this fact must be clearly documented and use methods of physical destruction of said support, ensuring that it is carried out in an environmentally friendly manner.

Companies that want to directly carry out the data deletion process and wish to confirm 100% efficiency, can contact GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, to know all the services they have for the safe deletion and deletion of data.

As experts in the secure deletion of data, GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, delivers a detailed certificate for the confirmation of permanent data deletion or, where appropriate, the physical disposal of your company's devices.

The privacy of the data and the regulations on the conservation of these forces companies to maintain some data, delete others and demonstrate that a series of established procedures have been followed. The secure data erasure software and hardware help your company meet these regulatory requirements.

For GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, protecting your business and your privacy is our top priority!

That's why our software provides a record of all hard drives that were erased, so it has proof of erasure (i.e. brand, model, serial number and hard drive capacity). We are dedicated to the safe and regulated disposal of data and disposal of electronic waste.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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