The importance of the return on the Assets

Today, assets in companies play a decisive role in achieving business objectives. Although it is a reality that the most important thing will always be human resources in most industries, it is also a factor of great importance to consider the directly proportional impact on the results of the business will have aspects such as the availability of assets , the reduction of failures of the same, the correct operation, and in general an efficient administration of assets as such.

In any branch to which our companies belong, today more than ever the success of them is based on our ability to respond more quickly, quality and consistency to changes and business requirements in a satisfactory and dynamic way at the same time achieve better services, reduce costs and better manage risks.

The correct management of the IT Assets that support the different processes of the organization includes from its identification by means of an inventory, to establish a responsible or owner of each asset, to determine the correct and appropriate uses of each one of them, and its recovery when necessary to avoid its loss or uncontrolled diffusion.

Physical assets

Some examples of material assets that can be found in all companies are:

  • Computer equipment.

  • Physical servers.

  • Local network equipment.

  • Peripherals and pendrives.

  • Laptops, tablets and mobiles.

  • Offices and facilities.

  • Own staff.

  • Other containers such as RF cabinets, safes, filing cabinets, shelves, refrigerated rooms for servers, filing rooms, CPDs, etc.

Intangible assets

Among the different intangible assets that we will find in our organization, it is worth highlighting:

  • IT applications

  • Backup managers.

  • Operating systems.

  • Communications

  • Database managers.

  • Supplies

But good asset management can benefit my company?

Respond to the current and future demands of your business by aligning what is invested in the IT infrastructure with the company's plans to avoid making unnecessary investments.

Control the use and cost of systems to improve infrastructure.

The inventory is done in virtually any operating system, updating what is outdated for better performance.

Thus, when performing an inventory of hardware and software, it will help you reduce unnecessary costs, maintain greater control over your assets and automate processes that involve a great economic expense of being done manually.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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