The internet and its influence on society

The Internet is the decisive technology of the information age in the same way that the electric motor was the vector of technological transformation during the industrial era.

The influence of the internet in today's society is important for our business day and to be in contact with our family and friends.

This global network of computer networks, which currently operate primarily through wireless communication platforms, provides us with the ubiquity of multimodal and interactive communication at any time and free of spatial limits.

Originally created by the United States Department of Defense to survive a nuclear attack, that is, information could travel without being held in the hands of an enemy.

He later changed his role and became a quick way to communicate remotely.

In 1996, the number of internet users was calculated for the first time, with a result of 40 million.

The expansion of the Internet from the mid-1990s was the result of the combination of three main factors:

  • The discovery of network technology (World Wide Web) by Tim Berners-Lee
  • The institutional change in internet management, which places it under the strict control of the global Internet community, privatizes it and allows commercial and cooperative uses.
  • Significant changes in the structure, culture and social behavior: network communication as a predominant form of organization, the marked tendency to individualism in social behavior and the culture of autonomy prevailing in the network society.

Using the Internet is as simple as using the phone, because just by doing a simple search you can be connected to the other side of the world.

In addition, it is a large virtual library and allows us to know everything that exists or happens on the face of the earth, in different languages.

Taking into account the use made of mobile telephony in family and rural settings and considering the limited use of these devices among children under five, we can say that almost all of humanity is connected, although with important differences in terms of bandwidth and efficiency and service price.

Internet, at the center of these communications networks, allows to produce, distribute and use digitized information in any format.

95% of all existing information on the planet is digitized and mostly accessible on the internet and other computer networks.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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