This is how Google's extreme security network Works

There is no doubt that Google is an Internet giant today. Beyond its search engine, it has very varied services such as email, messaging programs, streaming, social network, etc. a wide range of possibilities, but for all this to work properly a network with extreme security measures is used.

How does Google's extreme security network work?

It's easy to think that a platform as big as Google has to take care of all the details. They cannot afford any error as it could trigger very serious problems that affect the company and the users.

Google has implemented a culture of extreme cybersecurity. Take care of the details to the maximum, both at the level of security on physical devices and also in the cloud.

First, it creates a safe environment for its workers, verifying its background, a series of checks and requires training in cybersecurity and privacy.

But on many occasions they look deeply into that person's history, tracking all their past, financial accounts, previous jobs, etc.

Subsequently they require continuous monitoring of workers' behaviors. In this way they try to avoid breaking the commitment acquired and can compromise the information and data of the users that are the main clients.

Workers have to take a series of courses and acquire knowledge in secure coding practices or automated tools to scan vulnerabilities.

Both security and privacy are constantly evolving areas. Google, in its work of creating a completely secure network, organizes different events to seek to improve privacy and raise awareness among its own employees, beyond users.

It focuses on privacy when developing software, managing data or applying company privacy policies.

Maintain security in time

One of the points to maintain the security of its clients in time is the constant monitoring of vulnerabilities, which focuses on the information collected internally, actions of the employees themselves, practices, etc. All this with the objective that there are no vulnerabilities in your entire network.

They have the process to manage vulnerabilities using a series of internal tools that have been specifically designed for it.

They also have cutting-edge technology to detect malicious software, every day Google detects thousands and thousands of dangerous sites, many of which are legitimate but have been compromised in some way.

The Google data center has extreme security measures that can only be accessed by workers enabled for it, including access via personalized card, vehicle access barriers alarms, continuous monitoring system with cameras, etc.

In addition to all this, they have maximum security systems for sending data to users. Everything is encrypted using HTTPS / TLS and different layers that help create an extremely secure network.

Now, it is clear to us that Google, as the giant it is, has extensive knowledge in the practice and application of extreme security to make all data safe, in some way, free of gaps.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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