Some of the most popular VPN for Android are a danger

VPNs are very useful tools that we can use in both mobile devices and desktops, which allow us to skip the geographical block that may exist in certain places and help us improve our security and digital privacy when accessing public networks.

But sometimes we can find insecure VPN’s that affect our Android devices with some kind of adware.

We are facing a problem that has affected millions of users around the world that are these VPN tools that have millions of downloads and may have jeopardized the security and privacy of all users, beyond the inconvenience when it comes to Open the most common applications, pop-up ads loaded with adware.

There are 4 most popular Android VPNs with more than 500 million downloads that feature this adware.

According to security research, it has been discovered that in some of the most popular VPN applications for Android, they infect users' devices with adware, malware that opens pop-ups with advertising of all kinds and even advertising that can lead to dangerous viruses.

VPNs are software designed to improve the security and privacy of users as it encrypts connections to the network, which is why it has become a problem since they are displaying malicious advertising that can put users at risk.

These 4 VPN applications in which this problem has been found are HotSpot VPN, Free VPN Master, Secure VPN and CM Security Applokc, these programs are capable of displaying adwares even if they are in the background, this logically affects the operation of the device at They are consuming RAM in addition to generating HTTP requests that make the battery run out faster.

Keep in mind that hundreds of millions of users worldwide use these tools through their mobile device.

In the case of HotSpot VPN, which is perhaps the best known of all, accessed different websites and filled the screen of the advertising device even if the program was in the background.

Free VPN Master like Secure VPN launch aggressive ads and pop-up windows when users open their WhatsApp or Facebook, this is really annoying since they are applications of daily and constant use.

We must take the necessary precautions when installing any type of application on our mobile devices, in many cases these types of applications are free and that is why we install them without even knowing if they are 100% safe.

It is always more convenient to analyze what we are installing and it is better to make downloads from official sites. In this way we at least increase the guarantee that our device is not a victim of malware.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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