Trump's Reelection Could Affect the Tech Sector

America is facing hard times because of the pandemic. Many businesses closed their doors permanently, but focusing on the tech sector, it has also presented many issues since the COVID-19 started. If Trump’s reelection enhances a reality, things linked to tech sector could get even worse.

It is not about hating our president, but his reelection could directly affect the tech sector. This is mainly a consequence of the political fight with China. It all started at the beginning of the pandemic when our president refers to Covid-19 as a “China virus”. This was an awkward moment for everybody in our country. At first it seemed like an ongoing fight between the two countries but Now it seems like this has extended to the tech side.

At the beginning of 2020, Trump also added a tariff on tech products imported from China. This tariff and the pandemic has hit retailers and consumers in general.

The president attempts to ban several Chinese applications, such as TikTok. According to US experts, this app could be collecting your confidential data while you are using it. A recent study has discovered that there is no evidence about it. A few weeks ago, the American government said that they will remove the app from all the devices around the country, but recently, they made a deal with Chinese authorities to allow the operation of TikTok.

The same situation is happening with Huawei because the American government assumes that through a Huawei device, the Chinese government could start spying Americans. Due to this incident, Huawei was blacklisted in 2019 by Trump’s government.

No matter if trump’s reelection becomes a reality or not, we just hope that the tech sector maintains rising without limits.

Melannie Cruz

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