What is ITAD and my ITAM program?

ITAD in simple terms is the process that surrounds the safe, secure and environmentally responsible disposal of unused or obsolete technological assets.

The technology that we use every day at work needs to be updated regularly.

But ... How are data and devices properly protected, deleted, or reconditioned and reused? This is where the Information Technology Asset Disposition (ITAD) comes in.

While the ITAD process generally falls under the responsibilities of the IT Asset Management (ITAM) team, parts or the entire process can also belong to Procurement, Risk Management or Compliance Management. Regardless of who is responsible, it is important that all stakeholders understand the value of working with a certified and experienced ITAD service provider.

In GreenTek Solutions LLC we specialize in ITAD adapting to the needs of each company. We offer comprehensive services for the elimination of your assets, minimizing environmental damage, under the best practices and stipulated regulations.

A good asset recycling program.

Recycling your company's assets allows you to save costs and, in turn, keeps the planet healthy and is an integral part of the ITAD process.

Electronic waste is becoming the main contributor to landfills around the world. The EPA estimated that Americans will generate more than 3 million tons of waste from obsolete electronic products.

The EPA also reported that the proper recycling of 1 million laptops could save enough electricity to power more than 3,600 homes for a year.

At the same time, it is essential that companies work to keep toxic waste from plastics, heavy metals and airborne pollutants out of the environment: hazardous chemicals from IT waste represent a major health problem for humans and wildlife.

This is why it is very important to develop a solid strategy in your company for electronic waste.

Recovering the value of my assets and managing their risk

When computers, servers or other IT equipment reach the end of their life cycle, it is easy to assume that these elements have little value. But the obsolete assets of a company can have a useful life in other organizations.

The resale of assets that are in good condition, can generate a return on investment for your company and is also a crucial step in the process of disposition of assets.

When getting rid of large volumes of IT equipment, it only takes one error to expose a company to a serious data breach. GreenTek Solutions LLC offers services that will help you minimize this risk.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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