What exactly does security contribute to my company?

Now that we know that computer security is important, what are the threats and how to combat them, devices and protection techniques ... we need to understand the real use of it in business environments.

Computer security exists to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and systems.

The privacy of information and the continuity of service are two key points in any modern company. What would happen if there was a leak of confidential documents in your company? What would happen if they attack the infrastructure of our company and leave the servers out of service for 1 week? It would be, a terrible situation.

IT security exists to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and systems

Therefore, investing in computer security is necessary in modern companies that seek maximum quality of service, privacy and integrity.

All the types of security mentioned in the post "Internal, external and perimeter information security" are equally important, as well as keeping the workers of the company informed at all times about protection measures that they must take in all the computing areas, from WhatsApp to email.

Here are some points to take in mind...

Integrity. Maintain company information in a reliable and consistent environment, away from computer threats.

Privacy. Limit access to information and systems of the company, establishing privileges only to certain users.

Availability. Continuity of the service without any threat affecting the services of the company.

Physical part. Protection of physical systems (such as hardware), protecting very expensive systems that repair or replacement would be a great economic loss to the company.

Logical part. Protection of operating systems, applications and information of workers and users that could also lead to economic damage to the company and a major legal problem.

Does your company have an effective computer security plan? Or are the employees in charge of it sufficiently qualified? It is better that you adopt the security measures that your company needs as soon as possible.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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