Nemty completely encrypts your PC, how can you avoid it

We have already spoken on one occasion of what is Ramsomware if you still do not know the term we invite you to read our post RANSOMWARE, what is it?

Among all the types of threats that our computers can compromise, one of the most dangerous is ransomware. As we know, the objective in this case is to encrypt our files and request a ransom in exchange for releasing them.

It is a threat that has been very present in recent times on all types of devices. Today we will focus on the new Nemty ramsomware that is capable of encrypting the entire device completely.

The new variety of Nemty the ramsomware that is in vogue, can be related to others such as GandCrab and Sodinokibi since it uses some similar and shared distribution channels.

It has been said that Nemty is still in the development stage, so they ask for a device charge of   1,000€ in bitcoins to give you the key to decipher the devices.

Nemty uses a very intensive encryption that makes it very difficult to decipher it. This allows to encrypt all the equipment and make it impossible for the victim to access their files. A problem that logically puts the security and privacy of users at risk.

Keep in mind that these types of threats usually require user interaction. This means that if we are attentive we can avoid becoming infected.

Here are some tips to avoid being a victim of Nemty, as well as any other similar threats.

Security tools

You can not miss in our system have security software. This must be applied regardless of the type of device we are using or the operating system. Keep in mind that anyone can be vulnerable to such attacks, also always have a good antivirus that is capable of detecting similar threats.

Keep your devices updated

In many cases, hackers rely on vulnerabilities that exist in systems. That is why we need to have the latest security patches and updates that exist, to keep us safe and that possible attacks do not make us victims.

Create backup copies

There is no better protection against ransomware than creating backup copies on a frequent basis. As we know, this type of malware what it does is encrypt our files so as not to have access to them, with these backups on a frequent basis, we can reduce the damage and our files will be safe or in your case, the loss will be the minimum possible.

Download Files and Applications

Beyond downloading possible malicious files through email, care must be taken when downloading software from the Internet and untrusted applications.

Common sense

The most important thing we recommend is to always have common sense. You have to be alert and avoid malicious emails, access fraudulent links, download suspicious files, etc. since to be victims of these attacks, user interaction is usually required.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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