
Category: IT Articles

New emojis on WhatsApp

Communication channels have been changing through the pass of the years. I still remember when we used to talk with our friends by email or home phone. An important part of our lives remained in an old address notebook where we wrote our friend's emails, phone numbers, and other important information. Now it seems like this is just old school stuff even though the older generations are still relying on this method.

Google's new program to help women

Women who work in the tech sector frequently suffer from discrimination. The percentage of women working in US tech companies has largely declined over the last years. These issues also exist at the highest levels of the tech business, because there are many women that used to work on the tech giant Microsoft, and they said that there are no opportunities for growth in this company.

Disney-fy Your Dog with Snapchat

Do you still use Snapchat? I still remember when this app was really popular among users. A couple of years ago we took our best selfies with Snapchat's filters. Then, Instagram stared offering their users new filter options, and now Snapchat is apparently forgotten. It is important to mention that if we compare Instagram vs. Snapchat selfies, the ones taken with Instagram will be higher quality and the picture will also look cleaner. Let us not forget to mention that both applications are part of the Facebook group.