
Author: Melannie Cruz

Presidential Election Will Decide the Future of Social Media

The 2020 United States presidential election remains scheduled for November 3, which means that in less than a month, we will know the future of our country for the next couple of years. It is essential to analyze and consider all the changes and challenges that our country will face through the next years according to the elections' results. Both candidates have positives and negatives, but it remains on us to analyze the ideas and desires of each of both candidates, to finally select your favorite.

Get in touch with Uber Eats if you Experience Issues

What is the plan for Friday/Saturday night? Maybe right now you are thinking of hanging out with your friends. Unfortunately, we are facing social distancing times, so we are not able to go out of our homes. Those weekend party nights are on hold and now we spend our weekends watching Netflix at home or spending time with family. This is amazing and relaxing but what makes our movie's nights even better is eating pizza, fries, burgers, or any other food while watching your favorite series or movie.