
Category: IT Articles

Recycling e-waste could provide more jobs

People enjoy technology's benefits daily but not all of us care about the big impact of e-waste on the environment.

Every year thousands of brands launch new tech devices and equipment. Users are always looking to upgrade their old devices by purchasing the new model. This causes a dilemma for a user on what to do with the old unit that is no longer used. It is something sad to see that even when IT Equipment is almost in general designed to have a long-lasting life, the users throw away their old equipment. I make a big emphasis here because 1 or 2 years do not turn your equipment into something old.

Innovate your business

Living in the year 2020 allows us to look back and appreciate how years ago tech was not considered an essential tool. Talking about business in the 70's and even in the 80's owning an office with dozens of computers and Wi-Fi was only for big companies because those were the ones who could afford this expense. Same with machines, they were only for those big industries. Fortunately, the manufacturing process has been changing and now the work process is done mainly by AI and different kinds of machines.

Bestseller: Electronic and Technology Items

Online shopping is about to start collapsing. The reason why is because people are still quarantined, and shopping online is almost inevitable while being home not doing much.

People are not able to go out to the mall and shop as they did before the pandemic. The servers are really crowded because shopping online has become one of the most popular actions that users enjoy as a hobby and for necessity.